Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cheers! No worries. Brilliant.

Those are 3 words that New Zealanders say a lot.

Now, some really random thoughts from today:

1. This morning I got to run in nearly perfect weather, beside the ocean, on a path that had separate lanes for walkers and bike riders. I felt safer running there than I would in, say, Midtown. I heart Auckland.

2. Two items In the "tragic fashion" category. (1) This morning while I was on my run, I saw a girl wearing a green sparkly-sequined cocktail dress with a blazer. Elaine said they get pretty geeked up about costumes and holidays here, something I can certainly appreciate. (2) Tights are pants in Auckland. Unfortunately.

3. Not all electronic devices are overseas compatible. I learned this as I was drying my hair, smelled something funny, and saw smoke coming out of my hair dryer. We were amazed the thing didn't catch fire and burn down the building. Crisis averted, but Team Dawmilam epic FAIL. Dave, as Chief Technical Officer, failed to inform me that not *all* electronic devices with plugs are created equal.

4. Today was beach day. We visited Orewa Beach:

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which is a quaint little beach town about 30 minutes north of Auckland. It was hot while the sun was out, and really cold when the clouds rolled over. It was the first warm/sunny/beachy day I've had all year, and it was excellent!

5. We are celebrating St. Patrick's Day before anyone else. While discussing how crazy we expected things to get down here on the streets of Auckland tonight (true: there were plenty of crowded Irish bars this evening), Elaine told us how in the old days people used to have dwarf and midget throwing contests on St. Pat's in Australia and New Zealand. They'd suit up the little people in velcro suits and throw them against the wall.

We didn't engage in any midget tossing, but we did stop by an Irish bar and have a beer before we left the beach. Check out the crazy bartender!

6. I have never been stung by a bee on the beach until today. My husband avenged my injury by murdering the insect that poorly chose to injure me today.

7. The water down here is too cold to jump in and play, which made us both sad. Otherwise, we would have swam or kayaked. Instead, we were wimps.

8. Crossing the street is more entertaining than it should be. When the red hand turns to a walking man, you hear a sound akin to that of a laser beam. This hasn't gotten old yet.

9. I intend to make a slide show called "AKL or ATL?" that features pictures from both cities, to see if y'all can tell the difference.

10. Auckland at night is pretty.

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