Thursday, March 18, 2010

More pictures

I'll miss the scenery from my morning runs near the ocean/harbor.

Today was a pretty uneventful day in the AKL, which is what we kind of needed. We spent most of the day laying out by the pool at the apartment/hotel, which overlooks the harbor. Oh, and we drank the bottle of wine we got at Kennedy Point Vineyards. We people watched, and the most interesting to look at were "the trio" - a bleach-blond woman wearing a swimsuit and hat, a bleach-blond man wearing a Guns 'n Roses t-shirt, and a scary looking dark-haired man, wearing dark pants, a studded belt, and another 80s rocker band shirt. They all wore aviator sunglasses. Maybe they were famous? They were drinking a bottle of wine too. We were all classy like that.

I heard a Miley Cyrus song on the radio, which made me sad. Not even the south Pacific is immune to bad pop music.

Tonight for dinner, we went to Tanuki, which is Japanese for this gremlin-looking badger rodent thing that apparently lives in Japan. That doesn't mean we HAD tanuki. We just saw a big ol' model of one in the restaurant. Everyone pigged out on yummy Japanese food. I ate a whole plate full of salmon sashimi, which is just plain, uncooked salmon, served with rice. Dave was proud of me for eating so much raw fish that wasn't rolled up! It was way better than it should've been.

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